Centennial Park
Crossville, TN 38555
Daily 6:00 AM until Sunset
The dog park is open for use daily from 6:00 AM until sunset. If you need assistance finding the park, stop in the park office. Please remember, City Ordinance states all dogs must be restrained on a leash at all times (except once inside the dog park fence). The use of the dog park is at your own risk. Owners are legally responsible for their dog and any injuries caused by their dog.
Using the park is a privilege, not a right. Violations of the rules below may prohibit you and your dog from use of the park. You are responsible for your dog and your safety in the park.

* Owners must clean up after their dogs.
* Children 12 years of age and under are required to be with an adult while in the dog park.
* Individuals may not bring more than two (2) dogs in the park at a time.
* Smoking and food (human or dog) is prohibited in the dog park.
* Dogs must be leashed upon entering and exiting the dog park.
* Dogs must wear a collar with owner identification and have a proof of current rabies vaccination.
* Un-neutered dogs, dogs that are sick or less than 4 months old are prohibited.
* Dog owners must remain in the park with their dog and within view of their dogs at all times.
* Dogs displaying aggressive behavior including excessive barking must be controlled or removed.
* Small dogs area is limited to dogs of 35 pounds or less.
* Profanity and unruly behavior will not be tolerated. The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal substances is strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed.
Enter Centennial Park at the Warner Complex entrance. Follow the parking lot to the right and you will see signs. The entrance is just across the foot bridge.