837 Industrial Boulevard
Crossville, TN 38555
Call (931)456-6632 to schedule field use.
Current Facilities Available in Centennial Park
4 lighted adult softball fields | 3 lighted youth softball/baseball fields | 1 lighted regulation baseball field |
2 lighted tee ball/coach pitch fields | Concessions/fieldhouse facilities | 2 lighted sand volleyball courts |
4 lighted basketball 1/2 courts | 8 lighted pickleball courts | 12 clay horseshoe pits under shelter |
2 lighted picnic shelters | Dog park for both large and small dogs | Paved and lighted walking trail (approximately 1 1/2 miles) |
Child's play area with sand boxes | Fully accessible playground | Adequate parking |
Centennial Park fields are identified in the photo below. The Warner Complex (W1-W4) being at the top and the Turner Complex (T1-T6) being center and bottom.
* Security Cameras are now installed in all Parks Department locations. All areas are under recorded surveillance.

Park Rules
Absolutely no alcohol or drugs of any kind are allowed on city property.
No profanity, vulgar behavior or fighting.
No climbing on any unintended structure, goal, net or fence.
No hitting or kicking into fences.
No pets, EXCEPT service animals and these must be appropriately restrained.
No bicycles, skates, roller-blades or skateboards allowed anywhere except inside the skatepark.
Glass containers are prohibited.
The park staff reserves the right to search any coolers brought into the park.
Please properly dispose of all trash.
No trespassing in out of service areas.
ALL soccer, baseball and softball field use must be pre-approved by the Parks Department.
If the gates are locked, the facility is closed.
The Crossville Parks Department reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event due to inclement weather or questionable field conditions.
Skate Park Rules & Regulations
The skatepark is open from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. Hours are subject to change. For safety reason, the skatepark will be closed during inclement weather.
This Skatepark is unsupervised; therefore, the City will not be held responsible for accidents. Know your ability and skate at your own risk.
Helmets are required (and must be strapped) for ALL participants; elbow and kneepads are strongly recommended.
Skateboards, skates and BMX bikes only in the Skatepark. (BMX bikes must be equipped with Skatepark friendly pegs. Plastic or PVC covers are suggested.)
In case of emergency, call 911 or report any discovered safety hazards to the Park Office at (931)456-6632.
Skating against traffic flow is dangerous and can cause serious injury.
Skating outside the fenced Skatepark area is prohibited.
Vandalism, including graffiti, waxing, stickers and tagging, is illegal. If this occurs, violators will be prosecuted and the park may be temporarily closed.
No spectators are allowed inside the Skatepark fence unless supervising a participant.
No food or beverage is allowed inside the Skatepark fence.
Glass containers and chewing gum are prohibited.
Participants under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Profanity and unruly behavior will not be tolerated.
The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances is strictly prohibited.
Centennial Park currently has 2 picnic shelters available for rent. Both are covered and lighted, and seat approximately 60 people. Shelter #2, shown bottom left, has easy access with parking spaces right in front of the shelter.
Shelter #3 also seats approximately 60 people. It is located just over the hill from the playground and below the tennis courts. Both shelters are connected by paved walking trail to the upper playground, basketball courts and volleyball areas.We offer two options for shelter rental. For $25 you can rent either shelter for a half-day. Times are 7 AM to 3 PM or 3 PM to 10 PM. For $40 you can rent either shelter for the whole day. Rental fees are due upon reservation. To reserve a shelter online, click here.
The Bob Hassan Memorial Horseshoe Pavilion hosts 12 clay horseshoe pits available during open park hours.
The Crossville Horseshoe Club meets at the Pavilion each Tuesday and Thursday at noon. More information about the club as well as a tournament schedule can be found on their website.
Crossville's Centennial Park originally opened in 1992, with the initial phase of the park being called “Crossville Recreational Park”. The original park included 4 state of the art adult sized regulation softball fields with field house and concessions, 3 picnic pavilions, ½ mile walking trail, combination basketball/tennis court area, regulation double tennis court, 6 concrete and clay horseshoe pits, 4 sand volleyball courts and a large child play area with sand boxes.
Over the years, numerous events were held at the Recreational Park, with a majority of them being softball tournaments. These tournaments generated revenue not only for this city facility, but also for the entire community as they brought in players and family members utilizing hotels, restaurants, going shopping and visiting other area recreation.
In 2000, much needed expansions of the park began. 22 acres was purchased adjoining the existing facility and designed to house 3 youth sized softball fields, a regulation baseball field, 2 tee-ball fields along with field house and concessions, adequate parking and an extension of the existing walking trail. This brought total acreage of the facility to approximately 67 acres. With the opening of the new softball complex occurring during the heart of Crossville’s Centennial celebration, Crossville Recreational Park donned a new name, becoming Crossville Centennial Park. The original softball complex took on the name of “Warner Complex”, being named after former city councilman Dave Warner, who had a strong impact in the building of the original park in 1992. The new expansion part of the park became know as “Turner Complex”, honoring city councilman Gene Turner, who was instrumental in the building of the new facility. Turner Complex opened in August 2001 hosting the Dixie Belles World Series, honoring Councilman Turner, who died suddenly during construction of the complex, leaving behind a legacy of his dedication.
Centennial Park continues to grow and improve. In conjunction with the local Horseshoe Pitchers Association, the City constructed a covered pavilion to house 12 clay horseshoe pits in the Turner Complex. Walking trails throughout the park have been extended and paved bringing the total trail surface to approximately 1½ miles. A second fully inclusive playground was added to the Turner Complex. Additional parcels of property were purchased adjoining Centennial Park, bringing the total property to approximately 83 acres. A large dog park, with play and exercise areas for both large and small dogs was built and later dedicated to fallen Crossville K9 Police Officer Cain. The existing tennis courts saw little play and were resurfaced and converted to 8 pickleball courts which have proven to be extremely successful and busy.
Changes and improvements continue to keep the facilities top notch for the citizens of Crossville and park visitors. Tournaments and local leagues are flourishing so you can drive by most any day during the season and see a crowd enjoying the park!
From I-40: Take exit 317, proceeding south on Highway 127. Follow to #10 stoplight, turning left onto Industrial Boulevard. Go through one stop sign.
The Turner Complex entrance is 1/8 mile ahead on the right, with the Warner Complex entrance just past.
Playground and picnic facilities are located in the Warner Complex area. Handicapped accessible playground located adjacent to the Turner Complex Tee Ball area. The Hassan Horseshoe Pavilion is next to the tee ball area.